Treffpunkt: Einfachlosmachen NaturErlebnisse

Treffpunkt: Einfachlosmachen NaturErlebnisse

Pferdespaziergang am Gartower See

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at this location

Excursions & Hikes


01/03/2025 / 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM / Treffpunkt: Einfachlosmachen NaturErlebnisse, Gartow

Get to know our cute ponies. We will give you and your children your first contact with these wonderful animals. How does a horse react to us humans? How does a fluffy horse ear feel, or the thick…

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Excursions & Hikes


02/03/2025 / 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM / Treffpunkt: Einfachlosmachen NaturErlebnisse, Gartow

Get to know our cute ponies. We will give you and your children your first contact with these wonderful animals. How does a horse react to us humans? How does a fluffy horse ear feel, or the thick…

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All statements without guarantee.