Einkaufen auf dem Wochenmarkt

Wochenmarkt Neustadt in Holstein

Wochenmarkt Neustadt in Holstein

  • culinary
  • Free of charge

Fresh produce for the galley - that's what you hear every Tuesday and Friday on the market square in Neustadt in Holstein, because that's when it's weekly market time.

The weekly market is held twice a week - Tuesday and Friday mornings - on the second largest market square in Schleswig-Holstein. Fruit, vegetables, potatoes, flowers, baked goods, meat and fish, southern specialties, eggs and honey - the Neustadt weekly market offers a variety of edible and useful items. Organic food fans also get their money's worth here, as there are three organic vendors on the market who sell fruit and vegetables, cheese and baked goods. The Neustadt weekly market takes place all year round on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the market square in Neustadt in Holstein. Many market vendors can be found on the market square from 7 a.m., so that early risers also have the opportunity to choose the freshest products.

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