Exhibition, Social encounters
U18 Wahl mit Ausstellung
Thursday, 13/02/2025 / 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM / Stadtinfo-Haus "WortOrt" (Gartenzimmer)
- for families and kids
U18 Wahl mit Ausstellung
All statements without guarantee.
© Bild von Michael Schwarzenberger auf Pixabay
Exhibition, Social encounters
Thursday, 13/02/2025 / 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM / Stadtinfo-Haus "WortOrt" (Gartenzimmer)
U18 Wahl mit Ausstellung
All statements without guarantee.
Public Social Services
13/02/2025 / 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH), Horneburg
Das MGH Horneburg bietet eine Einkaufshilfe für alle Bürger*innen in der Samtgemeinde Horneburg an.
more informationPublic Social Services
13/02/2025 / 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM / Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH), Horneburg
Informationen, Beratung, Vermittlung und Betreuung für Ehrenamtliche und für Vereine, Verbände und Organisationen. Kontakt: Louisa Hielscher Tel.Nr. 04163-8288920
more informationExhibition, Workshops
13/02/2025 / 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM / Rathaus Ludwigslust, Ludwigslust
From now until March 21, the after-school children from Techentin elementary school are exhibiting their interpretations of Hundertwasser - sculptures and pictures - in the atrium of the town hall…
more informationInformation & Consulting Service
13/02/2025 / 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM / Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH), Horneburg
Beratungsangebot für Migrantinnen und Migranten (Bleiberechtler, Eingebürgerte, Geduldete, de facto Flüchtlinge, Kontingentflüchtlinge, Asylbewerber, etc.) Kontakt…
more informationExhibition
13/02/2025 / 10:00 AM / Schloss Wiligrad, Lübstorf
Analog black and white photography is the medium with which Jens Knigge deals with the world in a strongly focused way. Exposures are used to capture details Jens Knigge was born in 1964 in…
more informationExhibition
13/02/2025 / 10:00 AM / Stadtbibliothek Wismar im Zeughaus, Wismar
The 5-member jury had a tough time again this year. The 5-member jury had a tough time again this year. Of the numerous entries, 19 were awarded prizes. All 19 award-winning pictures can be seen…
more informationAll statements without guarantee.