Tüdelig in’n Kopp – Als Oma seltsam wurde, © Stephan Walzl

Tüdelig in’n Kopp
Als Oma seltsam wurde

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Tüdelig in’n Kopp – Als Oma seltsam wurde

  • for families and kids
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One day, all of a sudden, Grandma becomes strange and stingy. She lives in a small village outside the city and her grandson often visits her. Every Thursday the baker's van delivers bread and he gets to choose a bag of biscuits - that's the most important thing about Thursday. But Grandma suddenly doesn't know anything about a baker's van. And she doesn't recognize her own grandson either! She's been a bit dim-witted lately, but suddenly she's behaving really strangely: she thinks people are trying to steal from her and takes all her savings from the bank. Of course, her grandson helps her hide the money in her house. He bravely stands guard in front of the door with a bow and arrow to protect Grandma. He wants nothing more than for Grandma to stop being strange. The alternation between High German and Low German passages means that young viewers can easily follow the story and get in touch with the language in a playful way.

You are welcome to order accompanying theatre educational material or register for a follow-up discussion at studio@ohnsorg.de
You can download the word list here.


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This service may contain translations powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. Please note that events may be performed in German language.

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