structures that bring young co-creators into (cultural-)institutions

  • Free of charge

For six years explore dance – network dance for young audience has been producing dance performances for young audiences in collaboration with professional choreographers and dancers. These performances tour schools, theatres, museums, youth centres and other venues. Involving school classes in the creative process already brings a young perspective to the pieces – but there’s potential for more!
In the three-part Zoom series Structures that bring young co-creators into the (cultural) institutions, the network invites participants to discuss the structural participation of children and young people. Experts from different fields will explore the necessary framework conditions to ensure that young people are not only addressed as an audience, but are actively involved in shaping culture.

Moderator: Carolin Gerlach

Zoom Session #1

Why should we no longer ignore the participation of children and young people? Fabian Brenner (process facilitator) and Dominic Glöß (who grew up in Riesa) will reflect on the initiative and discuss the necessary conditions for structural youth participation. Together with the Zoom participants, they will explore how these principles can be applied to the performing arts sector.

registration until 04.03. at:
participation free of charge
in German
for artists, pedagogues, teachers and organisers of the performing arts

via Zoom

All statements without guarantee.

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