Schwarmintelligenz – Das Quiz, © Lisa Knauer

Das Quiz

Schwarmintelligenz – Das Quiz

  • 312.00€

A quiz as a stage show? Curtain up for swarm intelligence! Northern Germany’s permanently sold-out Fragrance Factory, Schwarmintelligencez, celebrates its debut in the Elbphilharmonie. In the case of swarm intelligence, the name is program: the guests form a team of relatives, friends or colleagues and answer 30 entertaining questions from many different topics. There are classic questions, snippets of sound, picture puzzles as well as logic and memory questions: You play as a team against all the other teams in the room.

After short breaks in counting, intervals are presented. This allows you to track exactly how the team performance develops during the evening. Finally, there is an official final result and the winners go home with gold medals.

Schwarmintelligenz is a Hamburg cultural enterprise and Germany’s leading provider of live quiz events. Nearly 20,000 people participate in around 100 sold-out shows per year in Hamburg, Bremen, Kiel, Luebeck and Lüneburg.

Please note: Since quizzes are conducted as a team, tickets can only be booked in the package as team tickets for up to eight people. During the event, the teams sit at a table. This event takes place in German.


Jan Merseburger moderation

Max Dietrich moderation

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