2024-10-26_Ankündigung_KlimaQUEERrechtigkeit_Web, © Illustration: Jill Pastore

Randale Zentrale: Sprache und Identität als Empowerment für BIPoC-Kinder

Randale Zentrale: Sprache und Identität als Empowerment für BIPoC-Kinder

  • for families and kids
  • Free of charge

With: Lineker Mpunzi

Language is an important part of our expression and our identity. It is always political and reflects our ability to act. Due to the constant pressure to speak German in Germany, one's own language, which is not valued much by the dominant society, is often neglected and not passed on to children. Languages of indigenous, local and migrant communities in particular are suppressed, thereby degrading the identities of the speakers. It has been proven that children learn any other language best when they have mastered their first language. This is also essential for strengthening their identity in the diaspora.

In this workshop, Lineker Mpunzi wants to explore the importance of languages as an important part of the identity of BiPoC children. While playing some Mbira tunes, he wants to share the story of how he empowers his two children, born in Berlin, by teaching his language, Shona, spoken in Zimbabwe. The workshop will highlight the importance of teaching BIPOC children born in the diaspora their parents' languages - not only as a form of empowerment and agency, but also as a way to solidify their own self and connect them to their parents' origins.

Participating together in the interactive session will create a new sense of affirmation of identities and belonging.

The event is part of the W3 project Politically active with children.

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