Art exhibition with works by Wismar artist Karen Clasen from 15.3. to 25.4.2025 in the café and coworking space "tisch" in Schwerin.

    table presented


    with Karen Clasen



    Exhibition at tisch - Café, Coworking, Event

    Duration: 15.03. - 25.04.2025

    Vernissage: 15.03.2025, 3:30 pm

    Address: Wittenburger Str. 16 a/b | 19053 Schwerin

    Opening hours: Monday - Friday Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00

    Project management: Annekathrin Siems / Karen Obenauf

    Curation: Annekathrin Siems



    On March 15, 2025, a new exhibition series entitled IM KLEINEN RAHMEN will be launched at tisch in Schwerin, a place that combines a café, coworking space and event space. Visitors to the café will be greeted by contemporary art on a wall measuring over six meters as they enter. At a time when encountering and engaging with art seems essential and deserves a special place in our daily lives, tisch has created a place where art meets everyday life, where color values enrich the coffee, where plays of form inspire work and artistic intentions flow into conversations. Every visit is a personal gain.

    The exhibition series IM KLEINEN RAHMEN was initiated by art historian and curator Annekathrin Siems and illustrator and art director Karen Obenauf.

    The exhibition series kicks off with Wismar artist Karen Clasen, whose colorful, animated paintings and mixed media works immediately captivate viewers and immerse them in a fantastic world full of the sounds of nature. In her free use of colors and materials, Karen Clasen emphasizes the freedom and breadth of what is artistically possible and finds an expression characterized by moving impressions of nature, the dialogue of tension and harmony as well as contemplative grandeur.

    Let yourself be surprised and get involved with art IN A SMALL FRAME in the table.



    "In my work, I primarily use the formal language of nature and the characteristics of my material to develop pictorial worlds associatively, layer by layer. My main medium is painting as well as a mixed technique of painting, drawing, printing and textile techniques. All phases of a painting take place on the respective canvas/the selected surface. For a work to develop well, it needs time. Time so that my mind can work through the forms and patterns that were initially created spontaneously. Again and again I interpret, add to and rework a picture until a coherent motif (for me) has crystallized. Most recently, my focus has shifted to experimenting with a wide variety of materials. Finding new freedoms in artistic and technical practice as well as in intellectual exploration has become increasingly important to me. A more "fearless" yet considered approach to materials as well as finding and working out new forms and motifs is challenging but at the same time opens up a wide field of new artistic expression."


    Born in Berlin in 1990. Lives and works in Wismar.
    2018 BA Illustration HAW Hamburg

    2023 Block Collection (collection Block), Grand Elysee, Hamburg

    Working scholarship from the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

    Featured Artist, Art.Salon, online gallery

    2022 Artist column, "Sino-German Art Vol.19", Hismoon Gallery, Taicang, China

    Working scholarship, Art Fund Foundation & Neustart Kultur

    2020-2022 Participant in mentoringKUNST

    2021 Member of the Professional Association of Visual Artists M-V



    "POSITIONS Art Fair", ART NOW Gallery, Berlin
    "Von Wiesen und Wurzeln", Gutshaus Lexow, Walow (solo)
    "24 für 24", ART NOW Gallery, Berlin
    "Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst", Galerie hinter dem Rathaus, Wismar

    "Betwixt & Between" 33rd Statewide Art Show, Volkswerft and St. Jakobi Church, Stralsund
    Galerie im Elysee, Grand Elysee, Hamburg
    "Zu Flucht", Gallery behind the Town Hall, Wismar

    "Von Wegen", Kunstverein für Mecklenburg und Vorpommern in Schwerin
    "Leerstelle Kunst", 32nd State-wide Art Show, Schleswig-Holstein-Haus, Schwerin
    "Coffee Festival Hamburg", Museum der Arbeit "Alte Fabrik", Hamburg

    "Bedarfshaltestelle", Kunstlandschaft 10, Kulturhaus Mestlin
    "NEUE MITGLIEDER" (des BBK M-V), Schleswig-Holstein-Haus, Schwerin
    "Blau", Galerie hinter dem Rathaus, Wismar
    "Innere Landschaften" Café Frieda, Poel (solo)
    "Von Wäldern & Weite", Gutshaus Lexow, Lexow (solo)
    "Innere Landschaften", Akademie der Nordkirche, Rostock (solo)

    "Innere Landschaften", Quirin Privatbank AG, Hamburg (solo)
    "Zur Paarung bereit", Galerie Amberg13, Rostock
    Kunst Offen, Kulturgut Dönkendorf (solo)
    "OZ Kunstbörse" Galerie Amberg13, Rostock

    "Die Natur in mir", Kunstforum Markert Gruppe, Hamburg (solo)
    Art Bodensee, Galerie Kristine Hamann, Dornbirn, Austria
    "Sommersalon", Galerie Kristine Hamann, Wismar
    "Wintersalon", Galerie Kristine Hamann, Wismar



    "Großes Wellenspiel", oil, acrylic, linocut ink and ink on canvas, 150 x 240 cm, 2021 (diptych), photographer: Karen Clasen

    "Goldenes Gestrüpp" oil, acrylic, linocut ink, India ink, chalk and embroidery on canvas, 155 x 33 cm, 2023, photographer: Karen Clasen




    clasenkaren@gmail.com | www.karenclasen.de | IG: karenclasen.de


    Wittenburger Str. 16 a/b | 19053 Schwerin

    IG tischtisch table | www.tisch.space

    Opening hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00


    Annekathrin Siems | Karen Obenauf


    All statements without guarantee.

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