LANDMARKer, the diversity of travel photography

AUSLÖSER presents the photo group as a variant of the "Night of Photography" on September 21 at the Schwerin Cultural Forum

For almost 20 years, a group of photography enthusiasts have been traveling to a place once a year for a week or so and photographing there in the style of classic travel photography. The LANDMARKer group aims to visualize the character of interesting places with their photo series. This includes architecture and landscape as well as street life, art, culture, sport and nightlife.

At the invitation of AUSLÖSER, the group will present their highlight photos from this rich palette on September 21 from 3 p.m. at the Kulturforum Schleswig-Holstein-Haus. The LANDMARKers and AUSLÖSER photographers will also be discussing travel photography, offering tips and tricks.

Travel photographs usually show the beautiful side of life and thus entice people to travel. But they also fulfill an important function: traveling to other places is poison for prejudice, narrow-mindedness and bigotry. Travel helps to refine the mind and break down prejudices.

At the same time, travel photography is photographically demanding. As a photographic genre, it combines many areas of photography: event photography, street photography, portrait photography, architectural photography, landscape photography, to name but a few.

The LANDMARKer group consists of professional photographers, members from related professions and dedicated amateurs. Around 15 of them set off on a trip to one location every year, so far including Istanbul, Wroclaw, Prague, London, Bangkok, Bristol, Lisbon, Berlin, Leipzig, Riga and Madeira.

The LANDMARKers not only want to bring back good pictures from their travels, they also enjoy the shared visual exploration of foreign worlds.

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