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Kindertheater des Monats

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Einkaufen auf dem Wochenmarkt

Wochenmarkt Neustadt in Holstein

14/03/2025 / 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM / Marktplatz Neustadt in Holstein, Neustadt in Holstein

Fresh produce for the galley - that's what you hear every Tuesday and Friday on the market square in Neustadt in Holstein, because that's when it's weekly market time. The weekly market is held…

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Sushi yourself!

14/03/2025 / 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM / Schloßkirche Ahrensburg, Ahrensburg

On March 14th there will be a "Sushi yourself" evening in the EVJ, parish hall of the Castle Church, Am Alten Markt 7. We make and eat sushi together and chat. So if you have time and desire…

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14/03/2025 / 06:00 PM - 07:15 PM / Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal), Hamburg

Over four whole days at the »BeatObsession« workshop, children and young people get to experiment with rhythms – on pots, instruments or their own bodies. Either at the…

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Sameka & Strings

14/03/2025 / 07:00 PM / JazzHall, Hamburg

Einlass: 19:00 | Beginn: 20:00 |   Das Quintett trifft den 1970er-Fusion-Sound, klingt aber gleichzeitig ganz heutig. In fragilen transparenten Passagen wirkt Sameka wie die Dekonstruktion…

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