Heiße Ecke
Friday, 07/02/2025 / 08:00 PM / Schmidts TIVOLI
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The reactions to the premiere on September 16, 2003 at Schmidts Tivoli were terrific: the enthusiastic audience applauded standing, the press celebrated the “Declaration of Love to St. Pauli” (Nordsee-Zeitung) as “charming and sexy, lascivious and honest” ( Hamburger Abendblatt), the world raved about an “almost real fairy tale”, the Süddeutsche Zeitung about a “crash course in St. Pauli culture” and the MOPO even about “Hamburg’s best musical”. Since then, countless sausages have been grilled here and served with a large portion of heart, snout and humor at the Reeperbahn's most famous snack bar. The production has now thrilled 2.8 million guests in over 5,100 shows.
Every evening, nine ensemble members take on over 50 roles and take you to a fast-paced 24-hour show at the neighborhood snack bar “Heiße Ecke”. The whole of St. Pauli meets at Hannelore and her crew's counter: the light girls and the heavy boys, the tourists before going to a musical and the garbage collectors after their shift, the party people from the suburbs who want to really let it rip, and the Neighborhood veterans who have actually had enough for a long time, but still can't get away from the craziest mile in the republic.
Theater director Corny Littmann and his team - above all Martin Lingnau (music), Heiko Wohlgemuth (lyrics) and Thomas Matschoß (book) - have created a monument to Hamburg's most dazzling district, which will delight audiences for a proud 20 years in September 2023. Rough nonsense, heartfelt stories and great songs in a show that shows the normal madness around the Reeperbahn: Welcome to the “Hot Corner”. 100 percent realistic!
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