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Das MGH Horneburg bietet eine Einkaufshilfe für alle Bürger*innen in der Samtgemeinde Horneburg an.

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Social Services


20/09/2024 / 09:15 AM / Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH), Horneburg

Please note: It is possible that an event has been cancelled but is still listed on this website. For the latest information about cancelations or postponements please check the organizer’s…

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Social Services


20/09/2024 / 04:00 PM / Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH), Horneburg

Please note: It is possible that an event has been cancelled but is still listed on this website. For the latest information about cancelations or postponements please check the organizer’s…

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Social Services

Café "Welcome"

22/09/2024 / 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM / Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH), Horneburg

Wir bieten ein nettes Beisammensein zum ungezwungenen Austausch untereinander für Geflüchtete alle an. Kontakt: MGH 04163-868492

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