2023-11-23-Politische-Krabbelgruppe_S5, © Illustration: Jill Pastore

Die Politische Krabbelgruppe für Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte

Die Politische Krabbelgruppe für Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte

  • for families and kids
  • politics and business
  • Free of charge

We would like to play, get to know one another and exchange ideas. How are we doing in Germany so far? What do we experience? What do we need to arrive, also for our children? But also: What are the political dimensions of our experiences? How are we intertwined in global structures of power and injustice? What are global impacts of our local actions? We would like to open conversations, explore what we have on our minds and learn about political topics regarding migration. Perhaps we can support each other arriving and living in Altona. We can speak and translate German, English and Russian during the meetings. If you speak other languages, please let us know. We will then try to find translators. We invite speakers to our meetings so that we can engage with different global and local topics and personal and political questions together.

All statements without guarantee.

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All statements without guarantee.