• Free of charge

Since the 2014/15 season, Barner 16/Meine Damen und Herren and K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg have been developing dance offerings for people with and without disabilities as well as with and without previous dance experience. Under the direction of Gitta Barthel, the dance club Mit & Ohne takes place in the Medienbunker on Feldstraße in two ongoing courses consisting of technique training as well as experiments in combining dance, music, image, language and text. Among other things, participants will dance to music of various styles and songs by the band Station 17, transform mandalas into movement, or invent stories from everyday gestures.

every monday except during closing days
Class 1: 9.30 - 11 am, Class 2: 11.15 am - 12.45 pm| live at Bunker an der Feldstraße

Hint: Class 2 is fully booked at the moment, but for Class 1 there are still places left

Participation is free of charge| regular attendance is recommended | Entry at any time possible | No previous knowledge required

Questions and registrations to: info[at]gittabarthel.de

All statements without guarantee.

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