Choir concert by the Grevesmühlen choir

  • Free of charge

The Grevesmühlen choir sings the most beautiful evening songs in four-part settings at the end of the week. Cantor Michael Goede (Grevesmühlen), who also plays the organ, will conduct the choir.

The most beautiful evening songs in four-part settings.

Do you know how many stars there are - The moon has risen.

The Grevesmühlen choir sings the most beautiful evening songs in four-part settings by Bach, Scholefield, Knörr, Gunsenheimer, Seifert, Stier, Lahusen, Nagel, etc. The choir is conducted by cantor Michael Goede (Grevesmühlen), who also plays the organ. Admission to the concert is free, a collection is requested at the exit. After the concert there will be an opportunity for conversation over cool drinks and a small snack.

All statements without guarantee.

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