City Walks
''ADAC prämierter Sinnes-Streifzug durch Speicherstadt & Hafencity''
Wednesday, 19/03/2025 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM / Treffpunkt: Rosinenfischer-Kontor
- for families and kids
- queer friendly
- from 12.50€ to 25.00€
Switching on your senses is allowed!
Get involved with Hamburg! With all your senses. Smell, taste and feel the historic Speicherstadt and the modern Hafencity. Learn interesting facts about Hamburg's famous Speichertstadt and the newly emerging Hafencity on our 90-minute sensory city tour. Get a feel for what it looked like here a hundred years ago, what typical smells could be heard and what connects them to this day. Discover cozy courtyards and modern buildings. Explore the smells of the old days, recognize the taste of today's Speicherstadt and experience exciting surprises.
Further information:
Price: 25.00 / adult, 12.50 / child 7 - 14 years, free for children up to 6 years
*By integrating this offer marked with an asterisk, the operator of the website may receive a commission from the dealer when you make a purchase. This does not make the tickets more expensive for you as a user.
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