rhinecleanup-20, © Simon Vogel

Abfallgeschichten. Ein Stadtspaziergang rund ums Thema Müll (für Kinder von 5
10 Jahren)

Abfallgeschichten. Ein Stadtspaziergang rund ums Thema Müll (für Kinder von 5 - 10 Jahren)

  • for families and kids
  • 5.00€

Collect rubbish, but also learn something about it? On this somewhat different city tour through Altona, we look down rather than up. Between the train station and the town hall, we are surprised by the amount of rubbish we find on the footpath and in the park - and, let's just say, we don't find nothing!

You will also learn all sorts of interesting things about the topic of waste, for example, who came up with the idea of the ice cream stick (and how it was probably packaged), how long it takes for a paper tissue to decompose and what thirst-quencher cartons are made of.

At the end we looked behind the scenes of the waste disposal and probably collected a bag full of garbage!

A walk with Susan Rößner, environmental educator from Ottensen.

Sign-up mandatory via phone (0049-1573-0304178) or email (susan@susan-roessner.de).

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